this month's featured title.
BackPax, our name means a lot. For travel and adventure, think of a backpack. For a commitment to children and their world, think pax, Latin for peace.
Janus Adams
* Harambee, a KiSwahili chant, means "let's all pull together!"
Welcome to the wonderful world of BackPax. Our Cinco de Mayo celebration is all about surprises. I know I was surprised by what I learned and I think you will be, too as you'll see in this month's instant download bonus, CINCO DE MAYO: Surprising Facts You'll Want to Know (and share with kids) It's free with your purchase of this month's featured authentic BackPax audiojourney: Treasures of Ancient Mexico. Explore the world of the Aztecs, the Mixtecs, and other Indigenous American societies who built what has become today's vibrant modern society.
I think you'll also find it a great conversation-starter for a range of talks you've been wanting and needing to have with your children. You'll also find the sense of wonder, excitement, and pride you're anxious to instill.
Here's a sample from this authentic BackPax audiojourney--recorded live on-location in Mexico! Here's a sample:
And, don't forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter.
Here's this month's edition
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